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How Often Should You Take A Break From Acrylic Nails?

If you like to regularly wear Acrylic Nails, then chances are you are wondering if you need a break from them. Can you wear them from extended periods of time or do you need a break from time to time? Having pondered the question for quite some time I decided to conduct some thorough research on the topic, here is what I have found.

So, how often should you take a break from Acrylic Nails? Its important to take a break from Acrylic Nails every three to six months. This will give your nails a chance to strengthen and rejuvenate and enable you to apply products and supplements that benefit their growth and strength. Breaks are especially important if your natural nails are damaged or dry to begin with. However, Acrylic Nails should not cause any long-term damage so long as correct preparation, maintenance (every two to three weeks), aftercare, and removal procedures are followed.

Acrylic nails are a major part of the “well-manicured” look and one of the most popular cosmetic items on the planet. It is only natural for many of us to become so attached to our stylish nails that we begin to feel rather naked without them. But, there is a potential risk behind the use of acrylic nails that properly polished people should know about? This article will be exploring this topic here to do.

According to the experts, inappropriate, prolonged use and poor quality acrylics can be a hazard to the health of your natural nails. This is especially true if your nail health was poor to begin with.

Today, the topic of nail repair is buzzing within the cosmetic community and for a good reason too.

Do You Need To Let Your Nails “Breathe”?

In all truth, your nails do not actually need to breathe the air. All of their oxygen requirements are provided through the bloodstream. In other words, your nails can be perfectly healthy under a coat of paint or acrylic nails. Of course, this assumes that they are applied properly and that they are maintained appropriately.

Strong pigments and low-quality products can cause the nail to weaken when overused. You can start to see nail discoloring and other signs of nail damage can include white patches and yellowing. In more extreme cases, you may even see your natural nails start to chip, break easily and may even stop growing out altogether.

Giving your nails a break from using polish and acrylics can provide you with the opportunity to support your nails, apply some effective products, well before the next coat/acrylics are applied. Its recommended and there are only benefits to taking thought out and scheduled breaks.

Acrylics have the potential to be especially damaging if their use is not balanced, and nails kept healthy.

In the application process, a top layer of protective coating from your natural nail has to be removed in order for them to adhere. This is fine every now and again (if done properly) but over time, this layer can thin and weaken resulting in brittle nails.

If you are thinking that this is not an issue because your natural nails are covered, think again. Remember, it is your natural nails that support your acrylics and keep them applied.

The Dangers of Not Giving Your Nails a Chance to Breathe

Despite the need to look your best at all times, especially in this highly visual modern era, your health must take priority.

The consequences of not keeping good health at the top of your beauty regimen can work against your properly polished presentation. You have to think about this long term. You don’t want to be entirely reliant on Acrylics for your nails to look good. You want to be able to show off your natural nails too!

This important truth was made evident by beauty blogger Amelia Perrin in a post warning about the overuse of acrylic nails. It has been featured quite heavily online, and was even picked up as a news story on Yahoo.

Accompanying the post were a few, especially unsightly pictures illustrating in true life what can happen from removing acrylic nails improperly or applying cheap adhesives in this cosmetic procedure. In the photos, you can see poor Amelia’s nails have apparently been ripped from their places, exposing raw and tender flesh below.

According to Amelia, the ordeal was agonizing, and even washing her hair caused her considerable pain. The important takeaway, learn from this story, and don’t let it happen to you!

Amelia goes on to mention that it was not just removing her nails improperly that led to this catastrophe. Amelia hadn’t allowed her nails to properly rest between her new acrylic nail applications and the results were extreme. Without a proper break, Amalia’s nails weren’t given a chance to repair and replenish health. This made them especially weak and fragile. It is important to note that many professionals say that even standard and traditional nail polish can have this same effect if overused.

What do we learn from this tragedy? The most important thing to remember is that you need to give your natural nails time to repair. If scheduling regular acrylic manicure appointments is going to be an important part of your beauty regime, you will need to space them apart for better natural nail health. Healthier nails will support acrylics and polishes better anyways.

A bit of good news is that the story is not over yet. Amelia reported back later with the good news that her nails had regrown and returned to their full health and beauty. Biotin supplementation was reported to play an important role in the recovery. I personally supplement with Sports Research Biotin due to its extra high potency which I get for a great price over at Amazon.

Additional Issues

Dana Stern, a dermatologist from NYC, explains that due to the regular application of polish removers, and harsh acetone, nails can become brittle, which can lead to other issues of nail breaks.

Nail yellowing is yet another problem that people who regularly have a manicure may have to suffer in the long term.

It is therefore important to minimize the use of acetone where you can, and seek more natural and safer alternatives when and where possible.

Only Professionals Should Remove Nails

At this point, you may be looking at your acrylics, noticing they’re getting a bit old and scuffed and wondering if now would be a good time to give them a break. In case your next move was to try and remove them by yourself, this is usually a bad idea.

You may be convinced that DIY acrylic removal is OK, or even have a friend who successfully managed to pull this stunt and still has his/her nail intact. But, experience tells us that it is never a good idea to remove nails without professional help.

Professional nail technicians will have the experience, skills, and attention to the process that allows an acrylic to be removed without causing any damage. If you attempted to do this by yourself, you may miss a step or apply too much pressure that could damage your tender fingertips.

What to Do About Damaged Nails

So, you got your nails removed professionally. It’s a good thing too because the removal of your acrylics revealed some nails in poor health. What do you do now? In addition to good nutrition, you may begin applying a topical treatment that strengthens and hydrates your nail supplying the nutrition and protection required to restore good health.

ISDN Si-Nails is one such product that improves the health, strength and conditions of the driest and most brittle nails. Reports suggest that in just two weeks, your nails will look smoother, healthier and better hydrated. If you’re looking to get some, then click here to visit the product listing on Amazon.

Maintaining Healthy Nails

After you have gotten your nails back to their full level of health, it will be important to keep them healthy with proper care.

Begin by seeing a professional nail tech for applications and removals. Always keep an eye on the health level of your nails and make sure they are restored before adding polishes, gels or acrylics.

Final Words

Acrylics can be a wonderful and exciting addition; nothing quite beats a mani and acrylics offer new length, new styles and new designs overnight.

However, do not neglect the health of your natural nails. Consider the long term implications of wearing Acrylics and be sure to give your nails a break every 3-6 months. You’re nails will thank you for it!